Nos journées et soirées portes ouvertes

General Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

(October 19th, 2022)

General information

École Hexagone is a private institution for higher learning that provides training programmes for careers in IT.

These General Terms and Conditions of Enrolment (hereinafter referred to as “GTCE” or “the learning agreement”) are entered into between:

The GTCE shall apply automatically to any sale of products and services (hereinafter the “Services”) as described herein.

Application and enforceability of the GTCE

The purpose of the GTCE is to set out all of the terms and conditions under which the Company markets the products and services for sale to Clients on the website (hereinafter the “Site”) or at one of our locations.

The client hereby declares that he/she has read and accepted these GTCE before placing the Order.

Confirmation of the Order and the various items arising therefrom constitutes acceptance of these GTCE. The GTCE may be updated regularly. The applicable GTCE are those in force at the time the learning agreement is signed.

The Company’s failure to invoke any provision of these GTCE at a given time shall not be interpreted as waiving the right to invoke any provision of these GTCE at a later date.

Admission requirements

École Hexagone is open to one and all. Applications may be submitted online (no submissions via the “Parcoursup” platform) year-round for the next school year (Y+1). Every Application is reviewed and considered based on the results of the entrance exams and an interview.

In order to study at the School, the Applicant must submit an Application using the online form on the School’s Site in the “Admissions” section. As soon as the Application is received, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email.

The Application will be evaluated and the Applicant will be contacted within 48 working hours in order to discuss his/her academic and professional plans; the date(s) of the entrance exams will also be determined at this time.

These exams are required regardless of the desired level of study, i.e. for the first year after the Applicant’s high-school exit exam/A levels as well as for comparable admissions to second-year studies and higher. They consist of several exercises in mathematics, logic and algorithms, French, English and general knowledge, as well as an interview with a representative of the School to discern the Applicant’s motives for attending.

A secondary school curriculum specialising in science is not required, but a scientific or mathematical background is strongly recommended.

Once the Applicant has taken the exams, the School will inform the Applicant whether or not he/she is eligible by email within 48 working hours. Eligibility is based on the weighted average grade (minimum 12/20), but the School reserves the right to accept any Applicant whose results are not sufficiently representative of his/her motivation.

The Applicant will then have to confirm full acceptance of these GTCE with an electronic signature and will receive details of the tuition fees corresponding to his/her choice of campus, course of study and method (payment schedule, initial training or professional training agreement, etc.) in the form of a quote.

The Applicant will only be admitted as a Student if he/she:

The School also specifies that a laptop is required in order to study in the programme:

Intel or AMD processor supporting virtualisation instructions (VT-x/AMD-V), Intel Core i5 or higher or equivalent AMD range.

Note: As virtualisation on ARM processors (e.g. M1 on the new Apple computer ranges) is not yet widespread at the time of writing, we encourage you to check the feasibility of this before purchasing.
8 GB minimum, 16 GB recommended
Storage250GB SSD minimum, hard drives (HDD) are not recommended.
Operating SystemA choice of: Windows 10 minimum, macOS ou Linux
Please note that some courses require the use of Windows; virtual machine or dual-boot solutions are accepted.
ConnectivityA Wi-Fi card is required.
A wired RJ45 connection is optionnal.
‍ The School reserves the right not to open certain classes if the number of students is too low, in which case it will enable the Student to attend another Campus or to take online classes depending on the case at hand. In the event of refusal, it will cancel registration and return the refundable amounts already paid.

Tuition fees and payment methods

Tuition fees for initial training

For the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition fees are set at 8,000 euros per year of study in initial training.

This fee covers lectures, seminars, lab work, assessments and, in general, all the activities of the programme for the year.

As spots are limited on each of the Campuses (School locations), a spot is reserved upon receipt of the full tuition fee.

Only the payment of tuition fees, or the commitment to pay them according to a schedule with a first payment, confirms the student’s registration at École Hexagone.

So, tuition fees can be paid:

The Company reserves the right to suspend or cancel any execution and/or delivery of an Order, regardless of its nature and level of execution, in the event of non-payment or partial payment of any sum owed by the Client to the Company, or in the event of a payment incident relating to an Order.

Payments shall be made by bank transfer to the Company’s account:

Professional training/apprenticeship contract

Students studying on a campus in France can opt for a professional training or apprenticeship agreement from the third year onwards. They are then employed by the host company and the tuition fees are paid by the company and may be covered by OPCOs (“skills operators”).

This Agreement is considered to be automatically terminated if the Client signs a professional training or apprenticeship agreement with a third-party company, and SAS CALTEA is listed as the training centre in the new tripartite agreement.

The number of hours of training provided by the Company to the Client prior to signing the new agreement will be calculated and invoiced to the Client in proportion to the tuition fees mentioned in the article entitled “Tuition fees and payment methods”.

If the Company is indebted to the Client at that time, it undertakes to reimburse the amount due within 30 working days of the date of termination.

Validation of prior learning (VAE)

Validation of prior learning (VAE) is possible within the School, and a personalised financial proposal is made according to the Applicant’s profile and the degree of support required.

Special case of foreign students and formalities for post-secondary education in France

Students from outside the European Union wishing to study in France must obtain a long-stay visa and a student residence permit. These requests are made exclusively by the Applicant to organisations such as Campus-France.

To benefit from the support of the School, materialized by the issuance of a pre-registration certificate, the Candidate must have: been recognized as eligible, signed the CGI, and paid a deposit of 50% of the tuition fees ( 4000 euros) in addition to the application fees.

These application fees are set at 200 euros and correspond to the organization of admissions tests and administrative procedures specific to foreign students. They can be paid by transfer to the contact details specified above or by bank card.

Once the Client has paid the full tuition fees, the Company will issue an official certificate of enrolment, and will confirm the legality of the Applicant’s enrolment to the French authorities if the latter so request from the Company.

In the event of rejection of the visa application, the Student can resubmit their visa application by strengthening their file for a later entry, or follow their training entirely remotely, their education then allowing them to support a new application for year n+1 face-to-face or opt for an École Hexagone campus located in another country, subject to paying the full tuition fees.

If the Student does not wish to follow up on one of these proposals and therefore does not continue his studies at the School, the fees paid to date will be deemed acquired.

Order and execution of services

The services for sale are described and presented as accurately as possible on the Site. Nevertheless, a minor change in the presentation of the Services shall not incur the liability of the Company and shall not affect the validity of the sale.

The Company also reserves the right to correct the content on the Site at any time, with no obligation to inform the Client.

The Client hereby acknowledges that he/she was able to freely select the desired Services and that he/she had access to a summary of his/her Order.

The Client may modify the Order and correct any errors before accepting it.

Once the Client has confirmed the Order summary, he/she accepts the Order by signing these GTCE. The unambiguous phrase “Order and promise to pay” ensures that the Client explicitly and unconditionally acknowledges his/her obligation to pay for the Order.

Once these GTCE have been signed by the Client, the GTCE are deemed to be accepted, and the learning agreement irrevocably binding the Company and the Client is in force.

The Company then sends the Client an Order confirmation by email with a summary of the Client’s Order and, where applicable, the invoices.

The Client is subsequently required to pay for the Order in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the order summary.

Any Order placed and signed by the Client is permanently binding and cannot be revoked.

The Parties’ commitments to each other

The Client hereby undertakes to accept any discussion with the Company when the latter considers that an exchange is necessary for the proper performance of the Services covered by the Agreement. In general, the Client undertakes to cooperate fully with the Company in order to enable it to perform the services under the best possible conditions.

In this respect, the Client acknowledges that his/her involvement and cooperation are necessary to ensure the proper execution of the Agreement by the Company.

In the event of a probable delay in the execution of the Service, the Party concerned by the event must inform the other Party immediately by any means of communication appropriate in view of the urgency of the situation. The Company shall be held harmless for delays in the performance of the Service should the Client fail or refuse to communicate information required to perform the Service in time.

Should the Client fail to cooperate with the Company, the former shall hold the Company harmless for any failure to perform the Services covered by this Agreement.

Given the nature of the products and services sold and offered by the Company, the Client hereby acknowledges and accepts that he/she is subject to an obligation to cooperate with the Company.

As such, the Client acknowledges that he/she is subject to an obligation to address matters drawn to his/her attention by the Company in order to enable the latter to carry out the Services ordered by the Client. The Client’s cooperation with the Company is therefore crucial to the proper performance of the Services.

In addition to the aforementioned obligations, the Client also undertakes to pay the agreed price within the agreed time frame.

The Company shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the Client is provided with the Services under optimum conditions. However, it shall not be held liable under any circumstances for any non-performance or poor performance of all or part of the services provided for in the Agreement which may be attributable either to the Client, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party outside the Agreement, or to a case of force majeure as defined by Article 1218 of the French Civil Code and applicable case law.

More generally, should the Company’s liability be incurred, it could not under any circumstances agree to compensate the Client for indirect losses or damage whose existence or quantum is not demonstrated with evidence.

It is expressly stipulated that the Company shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever should the Client’s computer equipment or electronic mailbox reject the emails sent by the Company, including but not limited to the copy of the payment receipt and the Order summary (e.g. as a result of anti-spam software). In addition, the Company shall not be held liable for any failure to host data due to technical defects beyond the Company’s control.

Personal data - Security

The Company attaches great importance to protecting privacy and takes all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of Clients’ personal data.

As part of the provision, the Company collects personal data from Clients, including the following data:

The Company collects and processes personal data from Clients for the following purposes:

The data relating to the management of Clients’ personal data is kept for a period only as long as strictly necessary and defined by the French Data Protection Act as amended, i.e. three years after collection or the last contact with the Client.

Clients’ personal data is processed by the Company’s sales department and by the Company’s partner companies and subcontractors.

The Company may also share personal data in order to cooperate with administrative and judicial authorities.

The Company ensures that Clients’ personal data is adequately and appropriately secure and has taken the necessary precautions to preserve the security and confidentiality of the data and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorised persons.

Client Obligations

Pursuant to Decree of 25 February 2011 on the retention and communication of data allowing for the identification of any person who has contributed to the creation of content posted online, the Client is informed that the host of a site is required to keep the following for a period of one year from the day of creation for each operation contributing to the creation of any content:

In the event of termination of the Agreement or closure of the account, the hosting company must also retain the information provided at the time the Agreement was signed (Order) by the Client or at the time the account was created for one year from the date of termination of the Agreement or closure of the account, namely:

Intellectual Property

All items on this Site and the Site itself are protected by copyright, trademark, design right and/or all other intellectual property rights. These items are the exclusive property of the Company. All these rights are reserved worldwide.

The ÉCOLE HEXAGONE name and brand, logos, designs, stylised letters, figurative marks, and all signs represented on this Site are and will remain the exclusive property of the Company.

No title to or rights to any item or software shall be obtained by downloading or copying material from this Site. The Client is expressly prohibited from reproducing (other than for his/her own personal, non-commercial use), publishing, editing, sending, distributing, displaying, removing, deleting, adding to, modifying or performing any work based on this Site and the materials and software contained therein, and from selling or participating in any sale in connection with this Site, the items on this Site or any software related thereto. The Company grants the Client a non-exclusive licence to use the Site. This licence is strictly personal and may not be assigned or transferred to any third party. The licence is granted for the duration of the Site’s use.

Any use by the Client of the corporate names, trademarks and distinctive signs belonging to the Company is strictly prohibited without the Company’s express prior consent.

Image Right

The Client hereby acknowledges that he/she accepts the non-commercial use (print, broadcast, Internet and social networks) of his/her image in the context of communications, information and promotion of the Company and the educational establishments it manages, and in particular its dissemination on this entity’s website(s), as well as its reproduction on any medium whatsoever.

The Client hereby assigns the Company the rights to use the photographs with no consideration in return (especially the adaptation, reproduction, representation and distribution rights). These rights are assigned indefinitely.

The Company expressly refrains from using the images in a way that may infringe on privacy and reputation, and from using the photographs and films referred to herein for any other injurious purpose.

The Client expressly waives any image rights and the right to any action against the Company or any entity managed directly or indirectly by it for the partial or full use of the photographs.

These rights are waived free of charge.

The Client acknowledges that he/she is aware of the right to rectify or withdraw the authorisation granted above.

Force majeure

Neither Party shall be liable for its delay or failure to perform its contractual obligations if such delay or failure is due to the occurrence of an event beyond its control, which could not reasonably be foreseen at the time the Agreement was signed and the effects of which cannot be avoided by the right measures.

In the event of the occurrence of such a case of force majeure, the execution of this Agreement shall be suspended until the disappearance, removal or end of the force majeure. However, if the case of force majeure continues beyond a period of thirty (30) days, the Parties must meet to discuss a possible change to the Agreement.

The deadlines provided for in this Agreement will be automatically extended by as long as the force majeure event lasts.

In the absence of an agreement between the Parties within a period of thirty (30) days and if the case of force majeure persists, each of the Parties shall have the right to terminate this Agreement automatically, without any compensation being due by either of the Parties, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent to the other Party.

Right of Withdrawal

The Client hereby declares that he/she agrees to waive his/her right of withdrawal in order to benefit from the Services as soon as the Order is validated.


In the event of a breach by one of the Parties of one of its essential obligations, the other Party may, in the event of an unanswered formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, terminate the Agreement automatically without any other formality and without prejudice to any claim for damages.

The notice of default shall indicate a reasonable period of time within which the Party in breach shall remedy the non-performance or improper performance of the essential obligation leading to the notice of default. Under penalty of nullity, the formal notice must imperatively mention this termination clause.

Applicable law and Jurisdiction

These GTCE shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law, to the exclusion of conflict of laws principles.

In the event of a dispute arising from the interpretation and/or performance of these GTCEs or in relation to these GTCEs, the Client and the Company shall exercise their best efforts to reach an amicable settlement regarding their dispute.

Should this attempt at amicable settlement fail, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts pursuant to the provisions of the French Code of Civil Procedure.

Appendix: Charter for the use of IT tools

(Version 1.2 - September 29, 2022)


The purpose of this charter is to establish acceptable standards for the use of IT tools, messaging and Internet access made available to students, trainers and partners of the École Hexagone. Computer equipment and stored data are part of the School’s vital tools. Their proper use is of paramount importance for information retrieval, knowledge transfer, and improved communications.

École Hexagone encourages the use of the computer system, and particularly emails and the Internet, in the daily management of its services. However, it must protect itself against potential abuse and related risks.

This document describes, in accordance with the legislation, the practices to be observed in the use of the IT resources made available (servers, computers, printers, cabling, software, messaging, Internet access, etc.).

IT resources are administered by the IT Department, which takes all necessary measures to allow the proper functioning of common IT resources (management of access, hardware, software and user accounts, etc.).

The IT department strives to keep the service permanently accessible. It may, however, be required to interrupt access, in particular for reasons of maintenance and upgrading or for any other reason. In this case, it will endeavor to inform users sufficiently in advance in order to limit the consequences of these interruptions.


Users are responsible for the use of computer resources and Internet services to which they are given access. They are also responsible for the data and information they make available to third parties.

Everyone’s vigilance is necessary for the security of the computer system. Indeed, even if it is protected by a set of systems, this vigilance remains the first protection against computer nuisances.

Breaches of the rules and security measures of this IT charter are likely to engage the responsibility of the user and lead to limitations or suspensions relating to the use of all or part of the information system.

Independently of any possible disciplinary sanction which could be decided, the user is also informed that non-compliance with this charter may engage his civil or criminal liability as well as that of the École Hexagone.

Good use

École Hexagone provides a computer system for academic and professional needs. The use of IT resources is only permitted in accordance with applicable law.

Access to resources (servers, printers, files, messaging, applications, etc.) and the connection of equipment to these resources are subject to authorization.

Users must comply with the following recommendations:

Limited and occasional personal use is tolerated at the discretion of the IT Department. Such use must comply with these standards and practices.


The School reserves the right to control the proper use of the rules for the use of IT tools while respecting the individual freedom of users. The administrator can have access to all the components of the computer system and the information it contains at any time in order to carry out any act of protection of the computer system.

The School reserves the right to set up a video surveillance system, the user agrees to be filmed solely for reasons of security of the reception facilities and School property. This monitoring is in no way a framework for verifying the presence of students or employees.

Additional Recommendations

Recommendation on internal communication

Various means are proposed for internal communication within the School:

User Email Recommendation

The recommended maximum size of files transmitted by e-mail is 25 MB and the size of the e-mail box should be kept moderate (a strict limitation may be applied in the future). The holder of this mailbox will have to sort his mail in order to avoid saturation of the messaging system.

The user of the messaging service will have to show the greatest correctness with regard to his interlocutors in the various electronic exchanges, and will ensure that the distribution of messages is limited only to the recipients concerned and to avoid the distribution of messages en masse that unnecessarily clutters messaging and degrades response times.

The dissemination of sensitive or personal data is strictly supervised.

Recommendation on the use of personal equipment

The use of personal terminals within is authorized unless otherwise specified. However, it is mandatory that these terminals be protected by a locking process: number code, unlocking pattern or fingerprint. The user may be asked to enroll his personal equipment within the School’s infrastructure in order to confirm its level of security.

Power saving recommendation

It is recommended that you turn off your workstation when not in use, in order to reduce electricity consumption and the School’s energy footprint.

Password storage recommendation

The IT Department offers the use of single sign-on solutions whenever possible, in order to reduce the number of different passwords to access the institution’s resources. The user is responsible for the use of a strong password and its safe keeping (do not communicate it to anyone).

The IT Department recommends the use of software to encrypt and password protect the content of a file or database for storing the various passwords used. Software like Keepass or Dashlane are recommended.

Recommendation on the use of printers

Printers are available to administrative members on most campuses. The use of these is reserved for a strictly professional framework except exception being validated by the hierarchy.

In addition, reasoned professional use is encouraged, most office or documentary operations can be done electronically.

Exceptionally, permission to print may be given to a student at the discretion of the campus support team.

Tool maintenance recommendation

Most students and trainers use their personal equipment for their learning. The user is responsible for ensuring its maintenance and integrity; he must take care of it: avoid falls and maintain a sufficient level of integrity ( cleanliness in particular). These recommendations are all the more reinforced with regard to third-party equipment ( other students or trainers).

Stations provided by the School may be made available to users in certain situations. Users are advised to be very careful before installing any new software or downloading any file from unknown source. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the IT Department.

The user is also requested to carry out regular cleaning of the storage of any file or software that has become obsolete and to regularly update the systems and software.

Recommendation on file storage and backups

All files shared by different users or more generally, all documents relating to the School must be stored using a file sharing solution provided, Wimi to date.

Several sharing points corresponding to Wimi work spaces allow sharing between learners and trainers.

The saving of documents for non-professional use on the School’s infrastructures is prohibited. The School cannot be held responsible in the event of loss or deletion of this content.

The retention of unsynchronized documents on a workstation and the use of removable media (USB key, etc.) are prohibited.