Train in Cyber Defense to address major digital security and sovereignty challenges.

The Cyber Defense of our digital systems is a priority to ensure our security, prosperity, and freedoms. The Cyber Defense curriculum at École Hexagone was developed with the best French security solution providers, such as Stormshield (Airbus), Outscale (Dassault Systèmes), and HarfangLab.

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Why a Master’s in Cyber Defense?

States, institutions, and businesses face fierce international competition, increasingly resulting in relentless clashes in cyberspace. The current health crisis has highlighted the importance of digital technology for our societies but also revealed vulnerabilities, such as the cyberattacks on French hospitals in 2021.

Recruitment in the field of cyber defense will be massive in the coming years in both the public and private sectors: for example, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has announced the recruitment of 2000 additional cyber fighters within 3 years.

There is a significant skill shortage, while the stakes are fundamental.

This is why, while remaining true to its values of excellence, innovation, and quality, École Hexagone decided to open a Cyber Defense curriculum under the authority of Navy Captain Nicolas MALBEC, who also holds significant responsibilities within the Cyber Defense Command (COMCYBER).

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Nicolas MALBEC, Commander of the French Navy
Commander Nicolas MALBEC

Director of the Cyber Defense Curriculum

Detailed Program 1st and 2nd Years

1st Year
(600 hours)

  • Legal environment for cyber defence
  • SMSI, ISO 270XX, risk analysis, EBIOS RM
  • Geopolitical challenges of cyber defence
  • Cryptology
  • Secure architecture
  • Network security
  • Operating system security
  • Secure architecture
  • Connectivity
  • Secure equipment
  • DevSecOps, Cloud security
  • Technical audit
  • AI theory
  • AI in the service of Defence
  • Source code security
  • Project to develop an attack
  • Cybersecurity (Stormshield EDR + HarfangLab)
  • Cyber crisis management
  • Security Operational Center
  • Forensic
  • Sport

2nd Year
(450 hours)

  • Economic intelligence
  • Cryptology
  • Technical audit
  • AI attacking each other
  • AI for the benefit of the attacker
  • Cyber crisis exercise
  • Security Operational Center
  • Forensic
  • Defining and implementing a BCP/DRP
  • Computer Emergency Response Team
  • Maintaining safety
  • Methodology and support for dissertation
  • Sport

Evaluation Methods:

Simulated Professional Situations: These are fictitious or real cases where the candidate must deliver written and/or oral outputs. They are carried out individually or collectively, supervised by trainers and consultants from partner companies. The candidate will propose both a technical solution and various types of documentation (specifications, manual, business plan, etc.);

Case Studies: This allows the candidate to focus on a real past situation, where they must gather information to understand and analyze the situation and context of a given problem and draw conclusions;

Practical Work: These are exercises conducted on-site over a limited time, usually 2 to 4 hours, where candidates must apply their technical skills;

Professional Report and Oral Defense.

At the end of this training and subject to meeting all prerequisites, you will obtain the title “Data, Network and Systems Security Manager” from École Hexagone, a professional title at level 7 registered on July 18, 2023, with the RNCP (reference no. 37796).

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A Curriculum Already Recognized and Awarded

France Compétences has validated the registration of the title "Data, Network and Systems Security Manager" under reference no. 37796, awarded at the end of the Master's program.

France Compétences, Certification registered with the RNCP

This recognition by the French state is an excellent indicator for businesses and allows access to work-study programs.
Additionally, this decision guarantees the alignment of our training and certification programs with the needs of the job market.

The EDUNIVERSAL agency has awarded the Program Launch Award to our Master's in Cyber Defense and Information Systems Security.

EDUNIVERSAL Program Launch Award 2023 EDUNIVERSAL Program Launch Award 2022

This recognition highlights the quality of our training in preparing for careers in cybersecurity and cyber defense: pentester, cryptologist, cybersecurity/cyber defense engineer, consultant, etc.

SecNumedu Label

SecNumEdu Logo SecNumedu is a label established by the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) to distinguish initial training in cybersecurity in France. The SecNumedu label has been awarded for the Master's in Cyber Defense led by Commander Nicolas MALBEC.

An Experienced Field Team



Floriane is a cybersecurity specialist. Initially at Thalès and then at HarfangLab, Floriane is now Deputy Head of the Response Division at ANSSI. She teaches the ‘Secure Architecture’ module to the students in the Master’s in Cyber Defense program.



Dr. BAIGNÈRES, who holds a PhD in Cryptography and Security from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, co-founded Olvid in 2017. He teaches strategies and cryptology mechanisms to Cyber Defense Master students.



Laurent is Mayor, CISO and DPO for local authorities, and Deputy CISO at the DINUM (Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs). He shares his extensive field experience in risk analysis with our students.



Jeremy’s career is rich with experiences. He first worked at the Thales Theresis Laboratory, then in various companies including Gatewatcher, before launching his own consulting firm.



Commander BENAZET served in the French Navy for nearly 19 years (ERIDAN, LA PERLE, LE TRIOMPHANT). He is now a Project Director for “Digital Transformation” at the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Cyril has a highly developed international career spanning Italy, China, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France. He specializes in Economic Intelligence issues and contributes to the discussions on Digital Sovereignty led by École Hexagone.

Docteur Marc Olivier BOISSET

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Doctor in Political Studies specializing in Cyber and Military Crisis Management, Lieutenant-Colonel BOISSET joined the teaching team of the Cyber Defense Master’s program since its inception in 2022. Alongside Captain N., he teaches cyber crisis management and cyber crisis exercise, focusing on their organizational and strategic implications.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Constant is one of the long-standing trainers in the Cyber Defense Master’s program. He has created unique specific courses such as “AI vs. AI”. His resolutely modern approach to Artificial Intelligence makes him one of the top experts in AI-driven automated attacks.

Membre du Conseil Scientique



Louise is responsible for training at HarfangLab, our academic partner on Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technologies. She represents HarfangLab at our Scientific Councils.



A graduate of École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique de Montréal, Joséphine is an Artificial Intelligence engineer specializing in cybersecurity. She now works at HarfangLab, our academic partner.


A graduate of École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique de Lausanne, Pierre-Alain completed his academic career by obtaining his PhD in cryptography at École Normale Supérieure. He is currently a Cybersecurity Architect within the Directorate General of Armaments.

Capitaine Pierre-Marie ESCARTIN

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Lieutenant de vaisseau au sein de la Marine nationale, le Capitaine ESCARTIN est membre de l’équipe pédagogique de l’École Hexagone depuis la création du Mastère Cyberdéfense en 2022. Il enseigne dans ce cadre, à Versailles et à Clermont-Ferrand et pour les deux années du Mastère, le module de Centre Opérationnel de Sécurité (Security Operational Center).


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Aïda est actuellement doctorante en cybercriminalité à l’Université Paris-Dauphine. Auprès des étudiants et alternants du Mastère Cyberdéfense, elle traite à la fois le module Enjeux géopolitiques de la cyberdéfense et le module Environnement juridique de la cybersécurité.



Head of Cyber Risks et membre de l’équipe dirigeante d’ONDA, une assurtech mondiale spécialisée en Cyber, et ancien Directeur Cyber de DIOT SIACI, 1er courtier en assurance français, Frédéric a plus de 20 ans d’expérience en France et à l’international dans le management des risques incluant le nucléaire opérationnel et assurantiel et les risques asymétriques.



Le Docteur GOFFI se définit comme un éthicien appliqué au domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Auteur du livre Les armées françaises face à la morale, il anime la réflexion de nos étudiants en dernière année de Mastère à propos de l’Éthique au XXIème siècle.



Le Commandant GOUVENO a opéré 13 années au sein de l’Armée de l’Air sur la thématique cybersécurité. Désormais Consultant Cybersécurité Sénior chez Thales, le Commandant GOUVENO anime le module Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).



Conseiller juridique cyber au sein du COMCYBER, Thomas a démarré sa carrière de Conseil au sein de l’ANSSI. Il intervient auprès des étudiants et alternants pour les sensibiliser aux différents cadres et règles juridiques entourant la Cyberdéfense.

Olivier GUÉRIN

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Consultant en cybersécurité, Olivier est expert dans la conduite d’audit technique et tests d’intrusion qu’il enseigne auprès des étudiants en Mastère Cyberdéfense, à Versailles et à Clermont-Ferrand. En parallèle, il intervient dans l’organisation de la compétition Capture The Flag du Forum Méditerranéen de la Cyberdéfense (FMC), créé par l’École Hexagone, dont la première édition s’est tenue en 2023 en Tunisie.



Alexandra joined the École Hexagone project at its inception in 2020, focusing on Well-being. She works with students and trainees, preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by promoting correct postures when using computers. She also provides osteopathy sessions, fully funded by the School, for interested students.



Co-founder and CEO of Snowpack, Frédéric is passionate about applied research. With over 8 years at CEA and another 8 years at the Ministry of Research, he now leads Snowpack, which offers an innovative solution against cyber espionage.



With experience at IBM, Capgemini, Wavestone, and now at Monaco Digital, Yann has a proven career. He works on Information Systems security projects, particularly in auditing and penetration testing (pentest).



Hermann joined École Hexagone in Clermont-Ferrand at its opening in 2020. As a certified sports coach with a strong passion for taekwondo, he ensures the physical fitness of our Clermont-Ferrand students throughout the year.



Romain has a solid experience in managing multidisciplinary entities and programs in French and international contexts. He specializes in cyber risk management and compliance, and shares his expertise in project management tools and methods with students in the Master’s program.



Thomas teaches C and C++ development to our students in the Cyber Defense and Artificial Intelligence Master’s programs.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

With nearly 10 years at STMicroelectronics France and 8 years at ANSSI, Stéphane MEYNET founded his cybersecurity consulting firm. He now teaches Industrial Systems Security and Secure Hardware modules to our Cyber Defense Master’s students.



Romain started his career in the French Army, specializing in network administration, where he spent 9 years. He is currently a Cyber Security Analyst at Michelin. Romain teaches our students about network and infrastructure security.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Captain Vincent N. currently serves in the Cyber Governance of the French Air and Space Force (Ministry of Armed Forces). He teaches our Cyber Defense Master’s students how to react and manage Cybersecurité or cyber defense crises.



At ScredIN Software & Services, Emmanuel is a DevSecOps. He handles various aspects of digital projects: development, infrastructure, and security. He teaches the DevSecOps module in the Cyberdefense Master’s program.



Baptiste co-founded Snowpack, a cybersecurity company enabling users to securely and anonymously transmit data over public Internet networks. He teaches the Network Security module in the Cyberdefense Master’s program.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Head of the Cyber Risk Management Office at the French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), Fabien is also designated as a French expert at ISO on Information Systems Security. He teaches Analysis, Risk Management in the Cybersecurity Master’s program.



With nearly 22 years of service at the Ministry of Armies (Air and Space Force), including a recent assignment as a cybersecurity auditor in France and abroad, Jean-Yves has had a brilliant career in service of the Nation. He now shares his experience with our Cyberdefense Master’s students.

Commandant Gwenaël SAGET

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Commandant de corvette SAGET joined the Cyberdefense Master’s program since its inception in 2022. He mentors students in the Forensics analysis track (digital investigations).


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

With nearly 15 years of professional experience in Information Systems and Cybersecurity management, Régis currently focuses on cybersecurity for Shares company; pentesting, security audits, anti-phishing, crisis management, etc.



Dr. TAFUR pursued her higher education in Denmark, Italy, Spain, and finally at Oxford in the UK. Her research on Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence led her to join the European Research Council as an expert.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Vincent has nearly 25 years of professional experience in the IT sector. He is currently responsible for IT operations at Transdev. At our institution, Vincent leads the Security and Connectivity module.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Clément teaches on both campuses for the Computer Science Bachelor’s and Cyber Defense Master’s programs, focusing on Linux/UNIX system administration and security as well as technical auditing.

In the Press Curriculum News

Alliancy - Florence BOULENGER

Cyberdefense : 20,000 to 30,000 profiles are missing in France

Pour faire face à la pénurie de 20 000 à 30 000 professionnels de la cyber-sécurité en France, les offres de formation commencent à se structurer. L’école Hexagone à Versailles lancera en septembre prochain le mastère « Cyberdéfense et Sécurité des systèmes d’information », placé sous l’autorité du capitaine de frégate Nicolas Malbec, membre du ComCyber (Commandement de la Cyberdéfense) et ingénieur de formation.

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Le Monde Informatique

A new master in Cyberdefense and IT security opening in École Hexagone

L’école d’informatique Hexagone proposera à partir de la rentrée académique 2022 un Mastère en cyberdéfense et sécurité des systèmes d’information, placé sous la direction du capitaine de frégate Nicolas Malbec. Ce programme fera intervenir des spécialistes français du domaine, tels que Stormshield, Outscale et HarfangLab sur le campus de Versailles.

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Le Figaro Étudiant

Hexagone will train the future cyberdefense experts

École d’Ingénieurs IA, Hexagone proposera à la rentrée un nouveau cursus dédié à la cyberdéfense. Ce programme en alternance de deux ans fera intervenir des pointures du domaine et des sociétés éditant des solutions made in France.

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