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With apprenticeships, train your future employees

Professional development image

Apprenticeship schedule with the company and Hexagone School

Photo of a student programming
The apprentice will be present at the company 3 days a week and in training for the remaining 2 days. During school holidays, the apprentice will primarily be at the company.
Photo of people in a video conference
Two to three times a year, a personalized meeting is organized between the apprentice's mentor and Hexagone School to closely monitor the apprentice's skill development in both the company and the training program.
Screenshot of a student's schedule
The mentor can access key information about their apprentice through our dedicated platform, such as the training schedule, absences, etc.
Share my internship/apprenticeship/job offers

Apprenticeship funding

The theoretical cost of one year of training is €11,000 excluding VAT, before potential funding from your Skills Operator (OPCO). For example, for the Cyberdefense training program, OPCOs cover €9,157 per year of training, leaving a very low remaining cost for the company.

Would you like assistance from our ambassadors? Schedule an appointment!

Hexagone School at the service of your employer brand

Hexagone School is attentive to your company to develop tailor-made partnerships that can increase your visibility among our students. Here are some examples of what we already do:

  • Creation of dedicated conferences on the professions or technologies developed by your company at our Clermont-Ferrand or Versailles campuses as part of our "Economic and Digital Culture" training module;
  • Integration of your challenges into our Tutorial (TD) and Practical Work (TP) activities directly in our training programs;
  • Organization of hackathons at our campuses focusing on a challenge you choose;
  • Bachelor's in Sustainable Digital Industries (Bac+5)
  • Organization of a discovery afternoon at your company or at our campuses, showcasing your company and its professions and/or technologies.


Versailles’ ambassadress

+33 7 49 98 08 71


Clermont-Ferrand’s ambassadress

+33 7 83 97 07 53

Economic and Digital Literacy

This training module was established in 2023 to raise awareness among our students of the peripheral challenges of new technologies: the Economic and Social dimensions.

The main goal of these conferences is to provide students with concrete insights and experiences. It also allows your company and your teams to showcase your employer brand and thus attract new candidates for apprenticeship positions to start with.

Books on shelves

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is the main advisory body of École Hexagone. It meets in plenary session once per academic year and allows partner companies to influence the development of training programs. The goal is to keep the training programs aligned with the needs of the job market.

Only French companies can be part of the Scientific Council.

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Logo de Bispok
Logo de CleverCloud
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Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de CleverCloud
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Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
logo de Inetum
Logo de Bispok
Logo de CleverCloud
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Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de CleverCloud
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab
Logo de Harfanglab

They Trust Our Students



The idea of supporting and training the talents of tomorrow in the use of French technologies resonates with the values of 3DS OUTSCALE, so it was only natural that we decided to partner with École Hexagone.

Sharing and expertise are part of our DNA, and through its relevant training program, École Hexagone enables us to provide high-quality interventions for its students.

Our promising initial discussions indicate a partnership that we foresee lasting over time.



The clients we work with, whether CAC 40 groups or SMEs, expect concrete, tailor-made, and efficient solutions for their secure connectivity needs. To support our growth, we naturally reached out to Hexagone; the content and curricula are adapted to the needs.

We are delighted to count among our "junior" Experts, students from Hexagone!

Present Your Company to Our Students Our ambassador Maëva will contact you as soon as possible!

Present Your Company to Our Students Our ambassador Marina will contact you as soon as possible!