L’école d’informatique Hexagone proposera à partir de la rentrée académique 2022 un Mastère en cyberdéfense et sécurité des systèmes d’information, placé sous la direction du capitaine de frégate Nicolas Malbec. Ce programme fera intervenir des spécialistes français du domaine, tels que Stormshield, Outscale et HarfangLab sur le campus de Versailles.
École d’Ingénieurs IA, Hexagone proposera à la rentrée un nouveau cursus dédié à la cyberdéfense. Ce programme en alternance de deux ans fera intervenir des pointures du domaine et des sociétés éditant des solutions made in France.
In order to provide impartial information to students, employees and recruiters, EDUNIVERSAL has established an Innovation Award to recognize the most innovative programs that are the most aligned with the expectations of the job market in terms of skills.
Committed to a powerful Quality approach and present at all levels, École Hexagone strives to guarantee the well-being of its students. If École Hexagone is already Qualiopi labeled, it also wanted to be evaluated directly by its students and work-study students.
École Hexagone, a Graduate School of Information Technology, will open in Grenoble in October 2021: Breaking the “geek” stereotype and promoting French Tech
École Hexagone, a French School of Information Technology, will open its doors to students at its Grenoble campus in October 2021.
Radio Sensations and Jessy Wuylens received Dr. Cyril Pachon, in charge of the curriculum in Artificial Intelligence, and Sebastian, for an interview and presentation of Hexagon School. We talk about the possible professions at the end of studies, the place of women in IT, French Tech gems (Stormshield and 3DS OUTSCALE), and the launch of our course in Artificial Intelligence!
Rachel Oulkhiari was the first student to enrol in this new engineering school. This second-year student likes Hexagone’s approach to teaching and the opportunities offered by the Versailles campus. She talks about the first six months of her life at Hexagone.
Thotis, the 100% digital media dedicated to helping high school students choose their higher education courses, organised a live interview about École Hexagone for its community. Sébastien Dhérines answered all the questions put by visitors to the site: how Admissions operates independently of Parcoursup, what are the programmes, what are the professional opportunities, etc.
In response to growing demand from professionals, École Hexagone is launching an artificial intelligence engineering course in Versailles. Here is the interview with Dr Pachon, Director of the Grenoble Campus
One year after its creation, the Hexagone information technology school is expanding and opening a state-recognised specialisation in artificial intelligence engineering with an initial cohort of 36 students from the start of the new academic year on its Versailles campus.
École Hexagone, which opened its doors last September, will launch a new course dedicated to artificial intelligence engineering in October 2021 to address the lack of specialists in the field.