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École Hexagone’s Bachelor ranked 3rd in France

The Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science offered by Hexagone since 2020 has been ranked by EDUNIVERSAL in the “Software Architecture & Complex Systems” category in 3rd place nationally for the 2024 edition of the rankings.
This puts it in second place in the Île-de-France region with the Versailles Campus.

The Bachelor’s degree in IT designed by Hexagone is a 3-year programme, with the first two years under initial training only (1,700 hours of training), and a third year under a apprenticeship course (apprenticeship or professionalisation contract, 659 hours of training). This 3rd position in the EDUNIVERSAL rankings testifies to the robustness of the programme, which is taught by professionals in the digital technology sector, as well as providing excellent preparation for the professional world.

At the end of the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, students can choose to prepare for one of the two RNCP qualifications on offer and enter the job market, or continue with one of the 4 Master’s degrees offered by Hexagone: Information Systems Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Cyberdefencee or Product Lifecycle Management.

It's a real accolade for the teaching team that I lead on this IT Bachelor's degree, because it confirms our decision to offer a multi-disciplinary programme where students can choose to specialise during their Bachelor's degree, rather than before the start of the course after they have obtained their Baccalauréat. In this way, they can develop their career plans as they progress through the various disciplines they discover, from software and web development to systems, networks, databases and so on.

Academic Director.

You can consult the ranking details on the EDUNIVERSAL website.