Computer colleges to conquer digital sovereignty
Marjorie PAILLON, journalist at SQOOL TV, devoted her program “L’École du futur” of February 28, 2023 to the theme of digital sovereignty through computer colleges. École Hexagone, a pioneer on this subject in France, was invited to answer questions and explain its vision and choices.
This was an opportunity for Sébastien DHÉRINES, President of the Institution, to recall that the academic corpuses of the College were all co-constructed with French publishers and industrialists; Stormshield (Airbus), Outscale (Dassault Systemes), Scaleway (Illiad), CleverCloud, Wimi, Olvid, etc. These partnerships thus make it possible to perfectly meet the needs of companies in terms of skills, and therefore to ensure successful integration into the labor market for students from École Hexagone.