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École Hexagone attaches particular importance to the quality of its training and student satisfaction. Our training consultants are selected for their reliability and proven professional experience.

Because we have nothing to hide from you, we would like to introduce you to the 2023/2024 teaching team, made up of almost 120 men and women who are committed to passing on their knowledge and experience to our students and work-study students.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Dr. ABI SEJAAN quickly specialized in energy-saving models through data collection by connected objects. She works particularly with our students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s in Artificial Intelligence programs.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Quentin is a true protagonist of the French Cloud industry. Founder of Clever Cloud in 2010, co-founder of _icilundi in 2019, and Makers For Life in 2020, President of the Open Internet Project since 2022, Quentin devotes all his time to advocating for a certain vision of French computing.



Floriane is a cybersecurity specialist. Initially at Thalès and then at HarfangLab, Floriane is now Deputy Head of the Response Division at ANSSI. She teaches the ‘Secure Architecture’ module to the students in the Master’s in Cyber Defense program.



Christophe has a solid academic background: an engineering degree in computer science and a Management of Innovation program at HEC. He participated in the launch of several startups in France, bringing his experience in Innovation.



With over 15 years of professional experience, Omid already has a solid career in Information Systems; FONCIA, Deezer, the Saclay Atomic Energy Commission, and Crédit Agricole. Now a consultant-trainer, Omid works with our students and apprentices on modules related to Virtualization technologies.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Fanny started her career at the National Education as a certified French teacher. She later decided to reorient and now helps students and employees acquire cross-disciplinary skills.



Lionel brings his solid professional experience (developer, project manager, technical manager) in software architecture to our Clermont students. He leads the Docker, Python, and Symfony training modules.



Olivier founded the firm Lapérouse Management Partagé, which supports companies in their transitional management. Experienced in corporate operations and entrepreneurship in general, Olivier introduces first-year students of the Master’s in Information Systems Architecture to accounting and budgeting.



Dr. AZOUZ ABDELADHIM earned her PhD from the University of Clermont-Ferrand, focusing on intelligent approaches for adaptive control of pull-flow systems in the context of Industry 4.0. She teaches various mathematics and software engineering modules to our first-year Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Artificial Intelligence students.



Dr. BAIGNÈRES, who holds a PhD in Cryptography and Security from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, co-founded Olvid in 2017. He teaches strategies and cryptology mechanisms to Cyber Defense Master students.



Laurent is Mayor, CISO and DPO for local authorities, and Deputy CISO at the DINUM (Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs). He shares his extensive field experience in risk analysis with our students.



David is an Infrastructure and Network Architect for Ecritel (a French Cloud computing player). His missions include managing complete deployments for major e-commerce players such as Galeries Lafayette, Air France, E.Leclerc, etc.



Jeremy’s career is rich with experiences. He first worked at the Thales Theresis Laboratory, then in various companies including Gatewatcher, before launching his own consulting firm.


Valentin is a trainer for Stormshield (Airbus Group). He regularly teaches on our Versailles Campus to prepare our Bachelor of Computer Science students for the CSNA and CSNE certifications.



Commander BENAZET served in the French Navy for nearly 19 years (ERIDAN, LA PERLE, LE TRIOMPHANT). He is now a Project Director for “Digital Transformation” at the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.



Benoit founded BEMS, a Digital Services Company (ESN) in Clermont-Ferrand, specializing in scientific computing and embedded development. His expertise in computer science helps Bachelor of Computer Science students progress faster on fundamental blocks.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Cyril has a highly developed international career spanning Italy, China, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France. He specializes in Economic Intelligence issues and contributes to the discussions on Digital Sovereignty led by École Hexagone.

Docteur Marc Olivier BOISSET

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Doctor in Political Studies specializing in Cyber and Military Crisis Management, Lieutenant-Colonel BOISSET joined the teaching team of the Cyber Defense Master’s program since its inception in 2022. Alongside Captain N., he teaches cyber crisis management and cyber crisis exercise, focusing on their organizational and strategic implications.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

A true enthusiast of computer science, Nicolas quickly specialized in system and network infrastructures. For several French and Canadian companies, Nicolas initiated the shift to the Cloud.




A comedian, author, and director, Maxime now dedicates his work to various theater companies and festivals. At École Hexagone, he assists Léonard STEFANICA in the stand-up module, helping 2nd-year students develop their creativity, verbal and physical expression, confidence, and self-esteem.



Arnaud is a true enthusiast and believes that Artificial Intelligence can serve healthcare. He therefore created MentalTechMaker! Arnaud develops personalized applications, creates analysis algorithms, designs recommendation systems, and optimizes clinical processes on a daily basis.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Constant is one of the long-standing trainers in the Cyber Defense Master’s program. He has created unique specific courses such as “AI vs. AI”. His resolutely modern approach to Artificial Intelligence makes him one of the top experts in AI-driven automated attacks.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Matthieu is among the first French Architects to delve into the principles of Building Information Modeling (BIM). He is involved in this technological and conceptual revolution, especially towards achieving carbon neutrality in urban planning, a major challenge of the 21st century.



Nathan primarily works with students and apprentices in the AI Master’s program, especially on the following course modules: Big Data, Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, Sound Processing and Creation, and Natural Language Processing.



Btissam loves data! After completing her first Master’s in Statistics and Data Processing, she pursued a second Master’s in Business Intelligence and Software Engineering at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Btissam has worked for the Departmental Council of Puy-de-Dôme, Crédit Agricole, the city of Clermont-Ferrand, and is currently employed at Lojelis.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

After a 20-year career in the IT industry, Catherine shifted to higher education. She currently serves as Director of Student Support at CentraleSupélec. At École Hexagone, she co-leads the “Design your way” module for our 2nd-year Bachelor students.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Chris is passionate about two subjects: Marvel and Web development. Since École Hexagone does not offer training modules on Spider-Man in its curriculum, Chris focuses on teaching Web and mobile development, particularly Symfony Framework, to our Computer Science Bachelor students.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Benjamin has specialized in Wi-Fi technologies for over 15 years. A true genius in the field, he co-founded the Bispok consulting firm. He oversees Wi-Fi, network security, and automation for Paris La Défense Arena.

Membre du Conseil Scientique



Louise is responsible for training at HarfangLab, our academic partner on Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technologies. She represents HarfangLab at our Scientific Councils.



A Mechanical Engineering teacher with the National Education system, Bastien co-founded Dysitech, a Puy-de-Dôme-based start-up specializing in virtual reality and augmented reality for business solutions.

Membre du Conseil Scientique



Steven works at Inetum, our academic partner. He assists industrial clients in their digital transformation through audits and support in integrating and deploying innovative digital solutions.



Co-founder and President of Viality Tour, which offers guided tours in virtual reality in Paris, Michel is an expert in business analysis and marketing strategy, aware of the challenges of digital sovereignty. This is why he joined École Hexagone’s project and, with the help of the academic team, created in 2023 the desktop tools module based on the collaborative suite Wimi, which he now teaches to 1st-year classes in Versailles at the beginning of their academic journey.



Raphael joined CGI in 2016 in Clermont-Ferrand as a programmer analyst. Today an Information Technology Engineer, he teaches the Transact-SQL training module to our Computer Science Bachelor students.



A graduate of École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique de Montréal, Joséphine is an Artificial Intelligence engineer specializing in cybersecurity. She now works at HarfangLab, our academic partner.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Timothée is a Swiss Army knife of entrepreneurship! He is currently Chief of Staff at the French collaborative suite Wimi. On a daily basis, he coordinates and implements the company’s strategic initiatives. At École Hexagone, he shares his professional experiences with our students in the modules Agility and Scrum, and Marketing and Business Strategy.



A graduate of Laval University, Scrum Master, Meriem is a true agility enthusiast and she leverages her experience to support the agile transformation of organizations (companies and institutions).


Mickael has been an independent consultant for over 20 years. He has worked for IBM, Capgemini, Hewlett-Packard, Michelin, EDF, Dassault, State Bank of Mauritius, Sogeti, etc. At École Hexagone, Mickael teaches the Kubernetes course.



An expert in strategy, project management, team and industrial and commercial program management, Nadeya shares her skills acquired during her 20 years of experience with students at the Clermont-Ferrand Campus. She teaches in English modules related to project management, business strategy, and marketing.



Sébastien worked for 13 years at Michelin before embarking on a new career at ESC Clermont as Head of Masters of Science programs. At École Hexagone, he teaches the BI Fundamentals training module.


A graduate of École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique de Lausanne, Pierre-Alain completed his academic career by obtaining his PhD in cryptography at École Normale Supérieure. He is currently a Cybersecurity Architect within the Directorate General of Armaments.



Emerick is one of the historical trainers at École Hexagone. Passionate about data and all the possibilities they offer, he decided to specialize in this field of IT over 10 years ago. Today, he shares his knowledge and expertise with students in the Computer Science Bachelor and the Master’s degree in Information Systems Architecture.

Capitaine Pierre-Marie ESCARTIN

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Lieutenant de vaisseau au sein de la Marine nationale, le Capitaine ESCARTIN est membre de l’équipe pédagogique de l’École Hexagone depuis la création du Mastère Cyberdéfense en 2022. Il enseigne dans ce cadre, à Versailles et à Clermont-Ferrand et pour les deux années du Mastère, le module de Centre Opérationnel de Sécurité (Security Operational Center).



Nastasia travaille au sein de Lojelis et est responsable du pôle Data. C’est donc tout naturellement qu’elle intervient auprès de nos étudiants et alternants du Mastère Intelligence Artificielle, notamment sur le module Big Data.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Aïda est actuellement doctorante en cybercriminalité à l’Université Paris-Dauphine. Auprès des étudiants et alternants du Mastère Cyberdéfense, elle traite à la fois le module Enjeux géopolitiques de la cyberdéfense et le module Environnement juridique de la cybersécurité.



Maître GANDON est avocate depuis 2015 et est inscrite au barreau de Clermont-Ferrand. Elle intervient en droit des affaires, dans les différentes composantes qu’il recouvre, auprès des chefs d’entreprises. Elle sensibilise nos étudiants sur le droit de l’Internet et le droit des contrats.



Diplômé en droit et en économie, quadrilingue, Vincent cumule près de 30 ans d’expérience dans le pilotage de projets stratégiques, en transformation numérique, en formation et dans le sourcing des talents.



Head of Cyber Risks et membre de l’équipe dirigeante d’ONDA, une assurtech mondiale spécialisée en Cyber, et ancien Directeur Cyber de DIOT SIACI, 1er courtier en assurance français, Frédéric a plus de 20 ans d’expérience en France et à l’international dans le management des risques incluant le nucléaire opérationnel et assurantiel et les risques asymétriques.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Co-Directrice du Pôle Mutations Économiques à l’École CentraleSupélec, Fabienne a une carrière au long cours dans le monde académique. Après de premières expériences dans les Ressources Humaines, elle rejoint The Georgia Institute of Technology à Atlanta (États-Unis), puis l’École CentraleSupélec à Paris-Saclay. Elle y développe le cours Design your way, qui est désormais enseigné aux étudiants en 2ème année de Bachelor.



Xavier mène une carrière, démarée en 2000, à la frontière entre le numérique et l’industrie. Il est désormais Directeur du pôle Industrie 4.0 chez Inetum, notre partenaire académique. Xavier intervient entre autres sur les questions de réalité augmentée et metavers.



Le Docteur GOFFI se définit comme un éthicien appliqué au domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Auteur du livre Les armées françaises face à la morale, il anime la réflexion de nos étudiants en dernière année de Mastère à propos de l’Éthique au XXIème siècle.



Diplomée de l’University of Twente (Pays-Bas), Eloise est architecte DataOps et anime les modules de Big Data au sein de l’École Hexagone en Mastère Intelligence Artificielle en parallèle de son activité au sein de Dataiku.



Le Commandant GOUVENO a opéré 13 années au sein de l’Armée de l’Air sur la thématique cybersécurité. Désormais Consultant Cybersécurité Sénior chez Thales, le Commandant GOUVENO anime le module Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).



En tant qu’architecte solutions, il construit, analyse et met à jour des projets innovants aussi bien pour de grandes entreprises que pour des start-ups, en les aidant à concevoir leur produit avec les meilleurs technologies pour le Product Market Fit parfait.



Conseiller juridique cyber au sein du COMCYBER, Thomas a démarré sa carrière de Conseil au sein de l’ANSSI. Il intervient auprès des étudiants et alternants pour les sensibiliser aux différents cadres et règles juridiques entourant la Cyberdéfense.

Olivier GUÉRIN

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Consultant en cybersécurité, Olivier est expert dans la conduite d’audit technique et tests d’intrusion qu’il enseigne auprès des étudiants en Mastère Cyberdéfense, à Versailles et à Clermont-Ferrand. En parallèle, il intervient dans l’organisation de la compétition Capture The Flag du Forum Méditerranéen de la Cyberdéfense (FMC), créé par l’École Hexagone, dont la première édition s’est tenue en 2023 en Tunisie.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Avec plus de 20 années d’expériences professionnelles dans l’informatique, Alexandre a une carrière bien remplie. Il intervient notamment auprès de nos étudiants et alternants en Mastère Architecture des Systèmes d’Information, sur les modules PCA/PRA et ITIL.



En tant que datascientist, Lewis travaille sur des missions alliant la technique et le fonctionnel afin de mieux répondre aux besoins d’analyses et de pédagogie attendus.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Mark est un spécialiste des questions de réseaux informatiques et de cybersécurité. Il a entamé sa carrière en 1993, a passé plus de 10 années chez l’éditeur McAfee et est désormais chez Stormshield, notre partenaire académique historique.



Dr. JOUINI is stationed at ISITCom, the computer science faculty of the University of Sousse (Tunisia). Under the academic partnership between both institutions, Dr. JOUINI teaches a module to our students in the Master’s program in Information Systems Architecture.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

After a specialized Master’s in Mechatronic and Robotic Systems (CNAM), Pelsy-Duc shifted towards civil engineering and education. At École Hexagone, he teaches courses on Embedded Electronics, Signal Processing, and 3D Printing.



Alexandra joined the École Hexagone project at its inception in 2020, focusing on Well-being. She works with students and trainees, preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by promoting correct postures when using computers. She also provides osteopathy sessions, fully funded by the School, for interested students.



Co-founder and CEO of Snowpack, Frédéric is passionate about applied research. With over 8 years at CEA and another 8 years at the Ministry of Research, he now leads Snowpack, which offers an innovative solution against cyber espionage.



With experience at IBM, Capgemini, Wavestone, and now at Monaco Digital, Yann has a proven career. He works on Information Systems security projects, particularly in auditing and penetration testing (pentest).



Rida loves data and has made it his profession. His daily work revolves around semi-supervised or supervised models, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, etc. At École Hexagone, he teaches modules on sound processing and creation.


A graduate of École Polytechnique de Paris, Jonathan started his career at Société Générale where he spent 9 years, then moved to Crédit Agricole as Director Algorithmic & Neuroscientist Trader. Today, as founder of Metacognitia, a pioneer in cardiovascular imaging, he teaches our Master’s students in Artificial Intelligence various prediction and signal processing models.



Hermann joined École Hexagone in Clermont-Ferrand at its opening in 2020. As a certified sports coach with a strong passion for taekwondo, he ensures the physical fitness of our Clermont-Ferrand students throughout the year.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Commander MALBEC is the Director of the Cyber Defense Master’s program (SecNumedu, RNCP 37796). After a brilliant career in the French Navy, Commander MALBEC turned to entrepreneurship by founding the consulting firm FIDELILIUM, assisting SMEs and large corporations in managing cybersecurity issues.



With over 10 years as a Web Developer, Jérémy enjoys guiding teams towards company goals while remaining a craftsman of the solution. His passion and curiosity drive him to learn and expand his knowledge daily.



Romain has a solid experience in managing multidisciplinary entities and programs in French and international contexts. He specializes in cyber risk management and compliance, and shares his expertise in project management tools and methods with students in the Master’s program.



Passionate about mathematics and algorithms, Rudy has specialized in these fields until obtaining his Master’s degree in Data Science. He is currently a Data Scientist Consultant for Framatome, a leading international nuclear energy company.



Thomas teaches C and C++ development to our students in the Cyber Defense and Artificial Intelligence Master’s programs.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Jean-Pierre is a consulting engineer specializing in open-source software architecture and development. He contributed significantly to the core of Outscale (Dassault Systèmes), a sovereign cloud. He teaches our Bachelor’s students over three years in Computer Science.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

With nearly 10 years at STMicroelectronics France and 8 years at ANSSI, Stéphane MEYNET founded his cybersecurity consulting firm. He now teaches Industrial Systems Security and Secure Hardware modules to our Cyber Defense Master’s students.


Dr. Baraa MOHAMAD works at Lojelis in Clermont-Ferrand. She teaches our Master’s students subjects related to Artificial Intelligence models.



Romain started his career in the French Army, specializing in network administration, where he spent 9 years. He is currently a Cyber Security Analyst at Michelin. Romain teaches our students about network and infrastructure security.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Captain Vincent N. currently serves in the Cyber Governance of the French Air and Space Force (Ministry of Armed Forces). He teaches our Cyber Defense Master’s students how to react and manage Cybersecurité or cyber defense crises.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

After working at Technip, Bouygues Construction, and VINCI, Sedik co-founded the architecture consulting firm INGCAD. He leads the end-of-studies module on Connected Buildings in the Master’s program in Information Systems Architecture.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Dr. Cyril-Alexandre PACHON holds a PhD in Computer Science, Systems, and Communication. He is currently the Director of Studies and Director of the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program at École Hexagone. Passionate about higher education, he shares his passion with dozens of students every year.



Antoine teaches at several higher education institutions: EPITA, Paris School of Business, and Chang’an University (China). He teaches our students the Python module.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Candice PARISE, known for her role as Esmeralda in the musical Notre-Dame de Paris, participant in The Voice in 2017, and her performances of F.R.A.N.C.E and La Marseillaise during the 2022 national holiday parade. She currently trains our Bachelor 2 students in public speaking.



Jérémy teaches the PHP Symfony training module to our second-year Bachelor’s students in Computer Science.

Membre du Conseil Scientique


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Vincent is a versatile IT specialist, handling Web development, networks, security, and system administration. He teaches Cybersecurity modules from our academic partner Stormshield to students in the Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Master’s in Information Systems.



A graduate of Télécom SudParis, François started his career at Amazon and then moved to Air France. He is now a Senior Data Scientist at Dataiku, managing major Big Data projects. He teaches two modules at École Hexagone: Natural Language Processing and Emotional Recognition.



Maître Clémence PHILIPPE specializes in New Technologies, IT, and Communication Law. She teaches our students the various French and European legal frameworks to ensure compliance in their future missions.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Cyril (Class of 2022 Valedictorian) specialized in cybersecurity and wireless networks after obtaining his Master’s degree in Information Systems Architecture. He teaches the “Wi-Fi Access Security” training module to our students.



At ScredIN Software & Services, Emmanuel is a DevSecOps. He handles various aspects of digital projects: development, infrastructure, and security. He teaches the DevSecOps module in the Cyberdefense Master’s program.



Baptiste co-founded Snowpack, a cybersecurity company enabling users to securely and anonymously transmit data over public Internet networks. He teaches the Network Security module in the Cyberdefense Master’s program.



A graduate of EM Lyon, Edgar brings his expertise to our first-year Computer Science Bachelor’s students with the Innovation Initiation training module.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Head of the Cyber Risk Management Office at the French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), Fabien is also designated as a French expert at ISO on Information Systems Security. He teaches Analysis, Risk Management in the Cybersecurity Master’s program.



With nearly 22 years of service at the Ministry of Armies (Air and Space Force), including a recent assignment as a cybersecurity auditor in France and abroad, Jean-Yves has had a brilliant career in service of the Nation. He now shares his experience with our Cyberdefense Master’s students.



Founder and CEO of a telecommunications operator, Luc is an expert in market research and business creation consulting. He shares his experience by teaching, in English, marketing and business strategy in the Information Systems Architecture Master’s program. He also teaches customer relationship management in the 3rd year Bachelor’s program, helping students align IT services with business and customer needs.



A graduate of EPITA, Gaël was CTO of Quartz Insight and decided in 2023 to focus on education to share his experience with peers. In collaboration with the École Hexagone’s teaching team, he created the Sovereign Information Systems module. The goal is to demonstrate to students that it is possible to transition from American or Chinese tools to European ones without productivity loss, emphasizing open-source ethics.



Romain is a consultant-trainer specializing in software engineering and web development (.NET). He teaches students in both the Computer Science Bachelor’s and Information Systems Master’s programs.

Commandant Gwenaël SAGET

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Commandant de corvette SAGET joined the Cyberdefense Master’s program since its inception in 2022. He mentors students in the Forensics analysis track (digital investigations).


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

William (Class of 2022) is passionate about software development, particularly understanding business complexities and processes. He focuses on proposing and implementing solutions to optimize various user experiences.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

With nearly 15 years of professional experience in Information Systems and Cybersecurity management, Régis currently focuses on cybersecurity for Shares company; pentesting, security audits, anti-phishing, crisis management, etc.



Serge-Alain oversees ISO 2700x standards at AFNOR. With extensive experience in Management des Systèmes d’Information, Serge-Alain teaches in the Information Systems Architecture and Cyberdefense Masters to prepare students for leadership roles within their teams.



Armel is a PhD candidate at the University of Clermont-Ferrand specializing in Machine Learning with applications in medicine. He teaches the Programming R module in the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program.



Léonard earned his Master’s degree in Interpretation from the Geneva Conservatory in 2011 at age 25. He later trained in Dramatic Art and has spent the last decade performing various shows such as “La nuit juste avant les forêts” by B-M Koltès and “Fusée”, a poetic and musical performance of which he is the author.



Dr. TAFUR pursued her higher education in Denmark, Italy, Spain, and finally at Oxford in the UK. Her research on Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence led her to join the European Research Council as an expert.



Mathematics are one of the very first courses taught at École Hexagone to our students in the 1st year of the Computer Science Bachelor’s program. Then Alexis supervises the courses on Probability and Statistics and Graph Theory in the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program.

Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Vincent has over 20 years’ experience in IT, particularly in IT production and the world of networks and telecommunications. Vincent holds a Master’s degree in Network and Systems Engineering from the University of Paris-Saclay and a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management (MAE/MBA) from IAE Paris / University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.



In his daily work, Paul assists companies in their digital communications and especially in client acquisition strategy (including the famous Google ads, among others). If you’re browsing our website today, it might be thanks to him!



Juliette brings her 10 years of professional experience in visual communication to our students. She teaches them how to create a graphical mockup for a future website or mobile application, with all the tips to ensure user ergonomics are met!



Maxime specializes in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. He joined the SNAP AR Ambassador program (Snap Inc. 👻), dedicated to R&D around the uses and technologies of Augmented Reality.



Dan Thuy quickly specialized in Artificial Intelligence topics. She is an Expert for France 2030 in the Digital College for the General Secretariat for Investment on financing alongside operators like the National Research Agency, the Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), BPI France, and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.



After 2 and a half years of professional experience in Montreal, Sébastien returned to live in Clermont-Ferrand. Initially at be-ys, then with the Sainte-Marie Hospital Association in Chamalières, Sébastien founded the AC2C Informatique firm. He teaches the Strategic Digital Transformation module to our students and apprentices in the Information Systems Master’s program.



Nicolas is a true specialist in the Web3 ecosystem. He teaches the Introduction to Blockchain module in the 3rd year of the Computer Science Bachelor’s program, followed by a more extensive module on Blockchain in the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Clément teaches on both campuses for the Computer Science Bachelor’s and Cyber Defense Master’s programs, focusing on Linux/UNIX system administration and security as well as technical auditing.



After obtaining her MBA in Entrepreneurship from Grenoble École de Management, Marine started her career at Station F where she followed the development of incubated start-ups. Today, Marine is a Product Manager at Hokla, a company specializing in healthtech services for businesses.


Clermont-Ferrand & Versailles

Maître ZLOTYKAMIEN, after taking an oath at the Paris Bar, quickly specialized in intellectual property and digital rights. She introduces students to legal issues and responsibilities they will face as future professionals.